Never set your plants under trees or in a shady border as
they prefer as much sunlight as possible
To ensure a continual display of flowers for several months
keep dead heading at least once a week breaking off the stem
just below the bottom flower head
Penstemons are best enjoyed flowering in the garden as they
only have a short life of a few days when cut even if you add a
preservative in the water
The plants do not like to be overcrowded in borders and you
will find that they will not survive if there is no breathing space
around them
Apart from dead heading no foliage must be removed from
the plant during the winter months as this protects the plant.
Being a too tidy gardener and cutting back before March is a recipe for
Once the worst of the winter frosts have passed and the new
shoots are coming out of the ground cut off all the old stems at ground
level to allow the new shoots to grow
Penstemons do not like to be overfed and a good feeding in
the spring with a well balanced fertiliser such as Growmore
will be sufficient to last the whole year.
The plants do not like to be overwatered although in periods
of drought they will benefit from a can of water every few days.
One big advantage with the plants is that they rarely suffer
from disease and there should be no problems with green,
black or white fly. Chrysanthemum eelworm is the only real
pest on penstemons and if this does occur burn the plant.
Penstemons are never happy set in peat based composts on sale and
If you are growing them in pots or raising a few cuttings use a soil
based compost.
Dame Alice Hindley
Delfts Blue Riding Hood
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